The Farm Bill is the largest bipartisan investment in the voluntary and successful conservation, restoration and management of America’s private lands. It offers a critical lifeline to farmers, ranchers, and landowners who are interested in conserving their farmlands, grasslands, wetlands, and forests at a time when we’re losing millions of acres of natural lands to development each year.
Conservation programs in the Farm Bill provide nearly $6 billion annually and result in cleaner water, decreased carbon emissions, healthier and more productive soils, enhanced wildlife habitat, rural clean energy solutions and increased flood control. Which is why the Farm Bill represents one of our best opportunities to make meaningful progress on conservation and climate this year.
As the climate crisis grows, farmers and ranchers are also facing more frequent and severe weather events that can destroy crops, grazing herds, and land. The Farm Bill supports farmers in adopting climate-smart agriculture practices that build resilient communities and strong rural economies where we need them most.
That’s why The Nature Conservancy is calling on Congress to pass a Farm Bill that supports conservation programs that help tackle the country’s climate challenges and forge a sustainable, productive future for our farmers, ranchers and foresters.
The Farm Bill is only reauthorized once every five years and the current bill expired on October 1, 2023, so with major conservation and climate gains hanging in the balance, we need you to add your name to tell Congress you’re counting on it to support vital conservation funding in the Farm Bill.