Tell South Dakota Lawmakers to Act for Nature

Purple coneflower blooming on the prairie. © Richard Hamilton Smith

As legislators return to the State Capitol for the 2025 legislative session, they need to know you want to see major investments in nature.

The lands and waters of South Dakota provide critical habitat for wildlife, enable a strong farming and ranching economy, and offer endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. Conservation is crucial to retaining and improving this state’s great outdoors, and policy is an essential tool for conservation.

Your state lawmakers need to hear from you. Add your name to the list and contact your legislators today to let them know you support action for nature in 2025.

This letter will be delivered via email to:

Your South Dakota state senator

Your South Dakota state representatives

Please prioritize conservation this legislative session

Dear Lawmakers,

Like many others in our state, I care about the great outdoors and want to ensure our natural resources can be enjoyed and conserved for generations to come.

As the 2025 legislative session begins, I urge you to prioritize policy that supports conservation in our grasslands, forests and waters. Our ability to sustain a resilient economy while continuing to enjoy outdoor recreation opportunities depends on prioritizing habitat conservation.

Thank you for your service to the state of South Dakota during the 2025 legislative session.

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