Help Save Virginia’s Great Outdoors

A beautiful view from Stony Man Loop in Virginia. © Tori Kennedy

Many issues divide our communities, but when it comes to Virginia’s outdoors, we all see eye-to-eye on this critical issue. Research indicates that nine out of 10 Virginians support increased funding for conserving our natural areas.

The Nature Conservancy is a proud member of the Our Virginia Outdoors Coalition, advocating this General Assembly session for Virginia’s Great Outdoors Act (HB2059). This legislation would provide $230 million in annual funding to:

  • Protect vulnerable natural areas, working farms and forests, and historic and cultural sites.
  • Improve public access to the outdoors by fixing and expanding infrastructure, programming, and public lands.
  • Invest in a thriving outdoor recreation sector by developing new parks, trails, river access points, and more at the local and state level.

From the forests of Southwest Virginia to the coastlines of the Eastern Shore, everyone benefits from statewide efforts to protect more of Virginia’s lands and waters. Our communities are healthier when they have access to the outdoors. Together, we have a chance to ensure that access for our children and grandchildren.

Please tell your legislator to help protect more of Virginia’s lands and waters by supporting this legislation.

Thank you in advance for weighing in!

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Your Virginia House Delegate

Please Support Virginia’s Great Outdoors Act (HB2059)

I am writing today to ask you to support Virginia’s Great Outdoors Act (HB2059), which would provide dedicated funding to protect our lands and waters, improve public access to the outdoors, and invest in parks, trails, and public lands.

Virginia is losing outdoor spaces to development at an alarming rate, even as the demand from residents for outdoor spaces is growing to support health, recreation, clean air and clean water. We must take action to protect our most valuable natural and historic resources for current and future generations before they are permanently lost.

Conservation has broad bipartisan support — 9 in 10 Virginians believe public funds should be used to acquire land to prevent the loss of natural areas. These are critical investments that always pay off for nature and our communities.

HB2059 would address the conservation and outdoor recreation needs of the Commonwealth and help more Virginians access and enjoy the great outdoors. Please support this bill!

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