Put Stock in Nature

Donating appreciated securities can offer a wealth of benefits.

Pink flamingos wade in water © Jonathan Ross /TNC Photo Contest 2018

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of appreciated stock, bonds or mutual funds are a smart and simple way to support The Nature Conservancy. These gifts may allow you to take a charitable donation deduction on your income taxes and avoid capital gains taxes.

You can even use appreciated securities to set up an annuity or unitrust to receive lifetime payments that equal or surpass current dividends. And best of all, your gift will help nature.

If you plan to donate stock to TNC, please help us more efficiently process your gift by completing this form to let us know your gift is coming. The form does NOT initiate the transfer of your stock; you will still need to initiate the transfer either electronically through your broker or by mailing the paper certificates directly. Transfer instructions are below the form.

If you would like to set up a life income gift using stocks or mutual funds, please first reach out to a Gift Planning specialist at (833) 336-7526 or [email protected] before making the transfer. You can also visit our website for more information.

* Required input for submission.

Donor Information

Broker Information

For questions about the gift only:

Gift Designation 

The Nature Conservancy uses charitable gifts to support global conservation priorities unless otherwise specified by the donor. If you would like your gift to be used in a place or by a program that matters to you (such as a state or country), please let us know.

Transfer instructions

Our stock transfer instructions are below. Please note the instructions are for gifts of stock only. For mutual funds, we kindly ask that you or your broker contact us first at (833) 336-PLAN or [email protected] so we can research and be sure these funds will be accepted into our accounts. If you would like to use stocks or mutual funds to set up a life income gift, please first reach out to a Gift Planning specialist at [email protected] or (833) 336-PLAN before making the transfer.

Account name: The Nature Conservancy (Tax ID # 53-0242652)

Account number: 749-04834

DTC Number: 8862


George L. Balboa, Jr.
Merrill Lynch Balboa & Blevins Group
1800 K ST NW, STE 800
Washington, DC 20006