
Long Live Your Values

Together we can protect the world we love.

Polar Bear cubs playing with driftwood in Alaska © Khurram Khan /TNC Photo Contest 2019
Polar Bear cubs playing with driftwood in Alaska © Khurram Khan /TNC Photo Contest 2019

Planning for the future—for both people and nature—is an important life skill. Bears prepare for the winter by designing their hibernation dens for maximum heat retention, digging them just large enough to fit into. They also eat and drink almost nonstop before they hibernate (but they don’t stash food to eat for when they wake up!)

One of the simplest ways you can plan for your future while protecting nature for future generations is to make a gift to TNC through your will, retirement plan or life insurance policy. This can be as easy as signing your name.

To learn more or to inform us of your existing plans, please complete the form on this page or contact our specialists at (833) 336-PLAN or [email protected]. You can also get more information about estate giving on our website or access free tools such as our Estate Planning Guide.

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