Share Your Backyard Birds

Scarlet Tanager © Gary Robinette/TNC Photo Contest 2023

Do you enjoy the sights and sounds of birds in your backyard? It's also a great way to connect with nature and feel inspired by the beauty of our planet. Whether you're new to birding or are a seasoned pro, we want to know which birds you've seen. Take our backyard bird survey now!

PHOTOS: American Goldfinch in amongst the thistle plants © Allyson Kennedy/TNC Photo Contest 2019; An American robin eating a mountain ash berry © Christine Haines/TNC Photo Contest 2023; Red winged blackbird calling at sunrise © Jessica Kirste /TNC Photo Contest 2019; Northern Cardinal in flight © Steve Jessmore/TNC Photo Contest 2021; A male House Finch © Brett Fisher/TNC Photo Contest 2019; A Male Eastern Bluebird © Jonathan Winslow/TNC Photo Contest 2011; Marsh Wren singing on cattail © Duke Coonrad/TNC Photo Contest 2019; Mountain Chickadee © Tila Zimmerman/TNC Photo Contest 2019; An island scrub-jay © Morgan Heim/Day's Edge Productions; Male Downy woodpecker © Janet Haas.

Great Horned Owl in a Winterberry bush © Janet Haas; Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk © Christine Haines/TNC Photo Contest 2021; A bald eagle © Janet Haas; A Cedar Waxwing eating berries © Kent Mason; A ruby-throated hummingbird © Haley Fredericks /TNC Photo Contest 2018.

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