
Add Your Voice: Conserve and Restore America’s Lands and Waters

The First Overlook point in Dolly Sods Scenic Area of West Virginia. © Kent Mason

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America’s lands and waters are under threat like never before. The twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss undermine all life on Earth, and if we don’t act now, we risk losing more of our natural world forever.

That’s why the ‘America the Beautiful’ initiative to conserve and restore 30 percent of the country’s lands and waters by 2030 is such a critical commitment by the United States. Federal agencies are now working on plans for how to reach this goal, which must include a diversity of landscapes and strategies.

There’s no way ‘America the Beautiful’ can succeed without bringing together all those who have a stake in the future of conservation: from farming, fishing, and ranching communities, to Indigenous leadership, to private and public landowners.

The Nature Conservancy is calling for all ‘America the Beautiful’ plans to be guided by conservation science, collaboration and equity for communities. Sign your name now to stand with us.

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Conserve and Restore America’s Lands and Waters

The ambitious ‘America the Beautiful’ initiative to conserve 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030 is an essential commitment to tackling climate change and stopping biodiversity loss. But plans to achieve this bold target must be collaborative and reflective of the diversity of landscapes and people who make up this nation. I stand with The Nature Conservancy in calling for an inclusive ‘America the Beautiful’ plan that leverages all stakeholders — from the farming, fishing and ranching communities, to Indigenous leadership, to private and public landowners. I’m adding my name to help amplify their voices.

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