Stand up for real climate action

Photo: © Thinkstock

Inaction on climate change is not an option.

Science shows us that climate change is the most urgent threat facing our planet today. Dangerous effects like destructive sea level rise, intolerable heat waves and permanent damage to our Earth are 95% likely unless we change course.

The United States needs to honor our commitments to global climate action like the Paris Agreement, the unprecedented global pact among 196 nations on climate action. And we must move climate action forward here at home, too. We cannot be silent. We cannot wait to find the solutions our planet needs.

To create the biggest public outcry possible, we’re rallying concerned people to create the biggest collective demand for climate action we have yet seen.

Pledge to stand with The Nature Conservancy as we call on U.S. leaders to stand strong on climate change.

See why others have signed

“Our world is precious, and climate change effects all living things. We are the caregiver of the planet, and need to do our part to keep it safe and clean. Our existence depends on it!”
Debra H.
“I have a new grandbaby and I want the world for him.”
Bonnie O.
“I care about our environment. It must be preserved for ourselves and future generations.”
Monique S.

Sign the Pledge:

Climate Action Now

I agree that immediate action on climate change is critical. Now is the time to dedicate ourselves to a low-carbon future and prevent lasting damage to all living things. Science shows us we cannot afford to wait to cut harmful carbon emissions. I’m adding my voice to The Nature Conservancy’s call to world leaders in the U.S. and beyond — to act so we do not lose ground in combating climate change.

* Required input for submission.